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Arkyst's questions

ID Category Question Author
2262General KnowledgeWhat color were stop signs originally?Arkyst
2263General KnowledgeWhat country are eclairs said to have originated from?Arkyst
2264General KnowledgeWhat is the Latin word for "seasickness", now commonly used to describe any feeling of sickness?Arkyst
2265General KnowledgeWhat Italian term is used to describe pasta or rice that has been cooked until it is slightly firm to
2266General KnowledgeWhat instrument do Australian Aborigines traditionally make from termite-hollowed eucalyptus trees?Arkyst
2267General KnowledgeWhat popular figure was born Agnese Gonxhe Bojaxhiu?Arkyst
2268General KnowledgeWhen was the first Wal-Mart store opened?Arkyst
2269General KnowledgeWhat coin did Canada discontinue in 2013?Arkyst
2270General KnowledgeOld Navy, Athleta, and Banana Republic are all clothing chains owned by what brand?Arkyst
2271General KnowledgeWhat shape is tiled and repeated inside of beehives to store honey?Arkyst
2272General KnowledgeCanada's flag has what national symbol on it?Arkyst
2273General KnowledgeWhat is a group of geese called?Arkyst
2274General KnowledgeDerby, homburg, deerstalker, and trilby are types of what?Arkyst
2275General KnowledgeWhat word is both a computer programming language and a nickname for coffee?Arkyst
2276General KnowledgeWhich U.S. capital city is the only one with no McDonalds?Arkyst