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Arkyst's questions

ID Category Question Author
2277General KnowledgeOriginally called pimento, what popular spice was first grown in Jamaica?Arkyst
2278General KnowledgeWhat is Jimmy Carter's middle name?Arkyst
2279General KnowledgeWhat is a community of ants called?Arkyst
2280General KnowledgeIn the traditional modern deck of cards, which is the only king without a moustache?Arkyst
2281General KnowledgeWhat is the nickname of the Great Bell at the Palace of Westminster?Arkyst
2282General KnowledgeWhat color blazer is presented to the Masters golf winner?Arkyst
2332BaseballWhich player has won the most MVP awards?Arkyst
2901BaseballBig Papi is the nickname of what Hall of FamerArkyst
2902BaseballWho was "The Captain" for the Yankees from 2003 until his retirement in 2014?Arkyst
2903BaseballThis current shortstop for the Tigers goes by the nickname "El Mago" standing for the magician.Arkyst
2904BaseballThe LA Angels actually play in what nearby city?Arkyst
2905BaseballWhat is the distance from home plate to first base on a standard baseball field?Arkyst
2906BaseballWhich player has won the most MVP awards?Arkyst
2907BaseballHow many stitches are on a standard baseball?Arkyst
2908BaseballThe Kansas City Monarchs and New York Black Yankees are famous teams from what defunct segregated league?Arkyst