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Arkyst's questions

ID Category Question Author
2058BaseballWhat year were the Colorado Rockies founded?Arkyst
2059BaseballThe Rockies play in what mile high stadium known for its home runs?Arkyst
2060BaseballThe Houston Astros were founded in a 1962 expansion along with what other team?Arkyst
2061BaseballWhat was the original name of the Astros when they were founded, only sticking for 3 seasons?Arkyst
2062BaseballThe Dodgers originally played in what city?Arkyst
2063BaseballWhat year did the Astros officially switch from playing in the National League to the American League?Arkyst
2064BaseballHow many World Series have the Astros won?Arkyst
2065BaseballWhat year were the Los Angeles Dodgers founded?Arkyst
2066BaseballThe Dodgers moved to Los Angeles in 1958 with the condition that which rival team would move with them to
the west coast?
2067BaseballWhat team has won the most World Series championships?Arkyst
2068BaseballThe Milwaukee Brewers were originally founded as what expansion team that lasted a single year before
2069BaseballWhat is the full legal name of the Angels?Arkyst
2070BaseballWhat is the full legal name of the Mets?Arkyst
2071BaseballBefore they were relocated, the Minnesota Twins were originally founded as what team?Arkyst
2072BaseballWhat player's number 42 is the only number universally retired by every team?Arkyst