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Arkyst's questions

ID Category Question Author
2133BaseballWho is the Cubs mascot?Arkyst
2134BaseballDinger, an anthropomorphic purple triceratops, is what team's mascot?Arkyst
2135BaseballFredbird is the official mascot of what team?Arkyst
2136BaseballOfficially known as "Luigi Francisco Seal," Lou Seal is what team's mascot?Arkyst
2137BaseballThis mascot gained national attention when he broke his ankle crashing into the outfield wall while being
towed on inline skates behind an ATV.
2138BaseballWhat is Mrs. Met's first name?Arkyst
2139BaseballWho is the official mascot of the Astros?Arkyst
2140BaseballThis furry green creature is considered one of the most recognizable mascots in sports and has a knack
for playing pranks.
2141BaseballWhat is the name of the Rays original team mascot?Arkyst
2142BaseballThis 6'9" King of the Jungle is the official mascot of the Kansas City Royals.Arkyst
2143BaseballThe Swinging Friar is the mascot of what team?Arkyst
2144BaseballT. C. Bear is the mascot for which team?Arkyst
2229General KnowledgeWhat is the hobby of autograph collecting called?Arkyst
2230General KnowledgeWhat plant is traditionally associated with St. Patrick's Day?Arkyst
2231General KnowledgeGouda cheese comes from what country?Arkyst