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Arkyst's questions

ID Category Question Author
2232General KnowledgeWhat character was invented to respond to questions from Gold Medal Flour customers?Arkyst
2233General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the major north-south interstate highway that connects Maine to Florida and runs the
length of the east coast of America?
2234General KnowledgeDespite being named the New York Giants, what state does this NFL team actually play in?Arkyst
2235General KnowledgeHow many "herbs and spices" does KFC claim to have in their "secret recipe"?Arkyst
2236General KnowledgeWhat year was Discord founded?Arkyst
2237General KnowledgePretzel and potato chip company Snyder's is based out of what Pennsylvania city?Arkyst
2238General KnowledgeAccording to legend, what outlaw killed one man for each of the 21 years he lived?Arkyst
2239General KnowledgeHow many years are in a "score"?Arkyst
2240General KnowledgeWhat day is the Super Bowl always played on?Arkyst
2241General KnowledgeWhat nickname for potatoes comes from the name of the tool used to dig them up?Arkyst
2242General KnowledgeWhich Mario character has appeared in all but one "Mario Party" game?Arkyst
2243General KnowledgeNick Carter was a member of which boy band?Arkyst
2244General KnowledgeWho directed the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?Arkyst
2245General KnowledgeBefore it was called the Big Mac, McDonald's signature sandwich went by what name?Arkyst
2246General KnowledgeWhat petroleum company merged with Exxon in 1999?Arkyst