Ash's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
9General Knowledge2

Ash's questions

ID Category Question Author
3422General Knowledge What was the name of Jake Sully's brother?Ash
3423General Knowledge What was the name of the resource that the humans were mining on Pandora?Ash
3424General KnowledgeWho were the indigenous people of Pandora?Ash
3425General KnowledgeWho was the female Na'vi that rescued Jake?Ash
3426General KnowledgeWhen an Ikran chooses you what will it do?Ash
3427General KnowledgeWhat was the name of the goddess the Na'vi worshipped?Ash
3428General KnowledgeWhat is the name of Jake Sully's ikranAsh
3429General KnowledgeWhat is the name of Neytiri's first ikranAsh
3430General KnowledgeWhat sound is used fior the thanator roarsAsh