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Cliftones's questions

ID Category Question Author
2958HistoryThe first bomb dropped on Berlin in ww2 killed what animalCliftones
2959HistoryWhat was the mission that took a man to the moon for the first-time calledCliftones
2960HistoryWhat popular soda was made as an alternative for Coke a Cola by Nazi Germany?Cliftones
2961HistoryBecause of shortages from ww2 what did the us make there pennies out ofCliftones
2962HistoryTrue or False? There were multiple battles at bull ran during the US civil war.Cliftones
2963HistoryWhat town in Pennsylvania was home to one of the biggest battles in the civil warCliftones
2964HistoryHow many people were killed in the le mans disasterCliftones
2965HistoryHow many ships were sunk at pearl harbor Cliftones
2966HistoryWhat us ship getting sunk by the germans lead to us involvement in ww1Cliftones
2967HistoryNapoleon abandoned his men in what modern day country Cliftones
2968HistoryWhat sport was played during the Christmas turkey in ww1 Cliftones
3006HistoryWhen was the “Boxer Rebellion“ in China? Cliftones
3007HistoryThe Opium war was a battle between which two countries England and?Cliftones
3009HistoryWhich country did Albert Einstein live in before moving to the United States?Cliftones
3010HistoryMao Tse-tung is also known as the Little what?Cliftones