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400Harry Potter2

Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2685Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhat is the name of the planet where the final battle takes place in "Guardians of the Galaxy"?Enemagneto
2690MathematicsWhat is the value of Pi(π)? Give at least up to two decimal places.Enemagneto
2691MathematicsTrue or False: A 'Millinillion' is a real number.Enemagneto
2692MathematicsWhat is the area of a circle with a diameter of 20 inches if π= 3.1415?Enemagneto
2693MathematicsWhat is the first Mersenne prime exponent over 1000?Enemagneto
2694MathematicsIn the complex plane, multiplying a given function by i rotates it anti-clockwise by how many degrees?Enemagneto
2695MathematicsHow many sides does a trapezium have?Enemagneto
2696MathematicsWhat is the degree of given polynomial: x²+2x+1?Enemagneto
2697MathematicsHow many books are in Euclid's Elements of Geometry?Enemagneto
2698MathematicsWho is known as the 'Father of Geometry'? Enemagneto
2699MathematicsHow many sides does a heptagon have?Enemagneto
2700MathematicsHow many sides does a hexagon have? Enemagneto
2701MathematicsHow many sides does a pentagon have?Enemagneto
2702MathematicsA quadrilateral is a polygon having how many sides? Enemagneto
2703MathematicsTrue or False: A universal set, or a set that contains all sets, exists.Enemagneto