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Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2749MathematicsWhat is the value of the imaginary unit i raised to the power of 4?Enemagneto
2750MathematicsWhat is the value of the arithmetic mean of 5, 9, and 22?Enemagneto
2751MathematicsWhat do you call a polygon with nine sides?Enemagneto
2752MathematicsWhat is the term for the spot (0,0) on a cartesian plane?Enemagneto
2753MathematicsWhich mathematician devised the Cartesian, or rectangular, plane consisting of a horizontal x-axis and a
vertical y-axis?
2754MathematicsIf a cube has sides of 4 units, what is its volume?Enemagneto
2755MathematicsWhat does the "m" signify in y=mx+b, algebraic equation for a line?Enemagneto
2756MathematicsWhat is x-coordinate of a point on cartesian plane called, which is equivalent to distance of point from
y-axis ?
2757MathematicsWhat is y-coordinate of a point on cartesian plane called, which is equivalent to distance of point from
x-axis ?
2758MathematicsIn trigonometry, Cos stands for Cosine. What does Tan stand for?Enemagneto
2759MathematicsWhat is the name of the sequence that goes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on, where each term is equal to
sum of previous two terms ?
2760MathematicsWhat algebraic irrational constant is closely related to ratio of consecutive terms of Fibonacci
2761MathematicsWhat is the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter?Enemagneto
2762MathematicsWhat is one tenth of a centimetre?Enemagneto
2763MathematicsWhat shape has 2 parallel sides and 2 that aren't parallel?Enemagneto