Enemagneto's author statistics

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400Harry Potter2

Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2485Harry PotterWho told Harry potter on his 11th birthday that he's a wizard? Enemagneto
2486Harry PotterWhich spell can be used to open locks? Enemagneto
2487Harry PotterWhich spell can be used to levitate objects into the air? Enemagneto
2488Harry PotterWhere did Harry Potter buy his wand? Enemagneto
2489Harry PotterWhat wizarding sport is played on broomsticks, and is very famous in the wizarding word? Enemagneto
2490Harry PotterWhich house is Ron weasley sorted into at Hogwarts? Enemagneto
2491Harry PotterWhat is Hermione granger's house at Hogwarts? Enemagneto
2492Harry PotterWhat is the name of Wizarding bank run by goblins? Enemagneto
2493Harry PotterWhat's Harry potter's uncle's name who is very wary of wizards? Enemagneto
2494Harry PotterWhat are the most ardent followers of Lord Voldemort called who are also branded with dark mark? Enemagneto
2495Harry PotterHow many players are there in a Quidditch team? Enemagneto
2496Harry PotterWhich house at Hogwarts sports scarlet and gold colours, and has a lion for a mascot? Enemagneto
2497Harry PotterWhich house at Hogwarts has emerald and silver coloured robes, and has a serpent for a mascot? Enemagneto
2498Harry PotterWhich house at Hogwarts has yellow and black robes, and has a badger for a mascot? Enemagneto
2499Harry PotterWhich house at Hogwarts sports blue and bronze colours, and has an eagle as a mascot? Enemagneto