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Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2764MathematicsTorricelli's Trumpet, also known as Gabriel's horn, has an infinite surface area but finite
2765MathematicsWhich brilliant mathematician and computer scientist is most famous for breaking Enigma Machine in world
war II?
2766MathematicsWhat did Scottish mathematician John Napier invent in 1614? Enemagneto
2767MathematicsTwin primes are such primes which have difference of how much between them? Enemagneto
2768MathematicsHow many twin prime (ordered)pairs are there between 1 and 10? Enemagneto
2840MathematicsWhat is the set of counting numbers, i.e. {1,2,3,4,5,...}, called in mathematics which is denoted by ℕ
2841MathematicsWhat is the set of natural numbers called when zero is included to it? Enemagneto
2842MathematicsWhat is the set of all numbers {... ,-2,-1,0,1,2,3, ...} called which is represented by ℤ ?Enemagneto
2843MathematicsA number which can be written in form of p/q, where p and q are co-prime integers, is called
______________ number.
2844MathematicsTrue or False: Rational numbers have non-terminating and non-recurring decimal form. Enemagneto
2845MathematicsWhat is a number which can't be written in form of p/q, where p and q are co-prime integers, called ? Enemagneto
2846MathematicsTrue or False: A number whose decimal form is non-terminating but recurring is an irrational number. Enemagneto
2847MathematicsIf a number is even, it must be divisible by which number? Enemagneto
2848MathematicsTrue or False: If a number can be written in form of 2n+1, where n is an integer, it will always be an
odd number.
2849MathematicsWhat is the only number that does not have its Roman numeral? Enemagneto