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Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2865MathematicsWhat is the top number of a fraction called?Enemagneto
2866MathematicsWhat is the bottom number of a fraction called?Enemagneto
2867MathematicsAn improper fraction is always greater than what number?Enemagneto
2868MathematicsDoes a convex shape curve inward or outward?Enemagneto
2869MathematicsHow many litres are equivalent to one cubic metre ?Enemagneto
2870MathematicsHow many minimum number of colours are needed on a map to ensure that no two colours share the same
2871MathematicsThe number hundred is derived from the ancient word “hundrath” which actually means what?Enemagneto
2872MathematicsTrue or False: In a group of 23 people, probability that two have the same birthday is more than a half. Enemagneto
2873MathematicsIn degrees, what is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?Enemagneto
2874MathematicsIn degrees, what is the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?Enemagneto
2875MathematicsIn degrees, what is the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon?Enemagneto
2876MathematicsIn degrees, what is the sum of the interior angles of an octagon?Enemagneto
2877MathematicsIn degrees, what is the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral?Enemagneto
2878MathematicsWhat branch of mathematics gets its name from an Arabic word meaning “reunion of broken parts”, and
was coined in the book “The Science Of Restoring And Balancing” by the mathematician al-Kwarizmi?
2879MathematicsIn a controversy that lasts to this day, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz both claim to have
developed what mathematical discipline?