Enemagneto's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
400Harry Potter2

Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2926Marvel Cinematic UniverseWhere are the Frost Giants from?Enemagneto
2927Marvel Cinematic UniverseThe Avengers: What is the name of the device that prevents Loki from using the scepter to mind control
Tony Stark?
2942Harry PotterWhat potion were Harry and his classmates required to make for the final practical exam of potions in
their first year?
2943Harry PotterWhat were first year students required to do in their practical exam for charms in Harry's first year? Enemagneto
2944Harry PotterWhat were first year students required to do in their practical exam for Transfiguration in Harry's first
2945Harry PotterWhat piece of protection did Professor Sprout provide to the Philosopher's Stone? Enemagneto
2946Harry PotterWho said - "There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it...."? Enemagneto
2947Harry PotterWho said - "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to
our friends."?
2948Harry PotterWho won the House Cup in Harry's first year at Hogwarts? Enemagneto
2949Harry PotterHow many points was Neville longbottom awarded for standing up to his friends by Dumbledore in his first
2950Harry PotterWhich muggle school was Harry Potter going to go to, before he found out that he was a wizard? Enemagneto
2951Harry PotterWhich school does Dudley go to? Enemagneto
2952Harry PotterWhat was the name of Malfoy family's house-elf ? Enemagneto
2953Harry PotterWho stopped Harry's letters, during the holidays before his second year at Hogwarts, in the hopes that it
would deter him from returning to Hogwarts?
2954Harry PotterWho came to Dursleys' house for a business dinner which was ruined by Dobby? Enemagneto