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400Harry Potter2

Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2955Harry PotterWho tried to elicit a promise from Harry at the beginning of second book that he wouldn't return to
2956Harry PotterWhat kind of magical creature is Dobby? Enemagneto
2973HistoryName the year: Allied forces liberated Luxembourg from Nazis in WW2. Enemagneto
2974HistoryThis military attack took place on December 7, 1941 which also caused USA to join the World War 2. Enemagneto
2975Historywhat was the name of Boeing-29 Superfortress bomber aircraft which dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima? Enemagneto
2976HistoryWhat was the name of American initiative enacted after the World War II to provide foreign aid to western
Europe, which was also known as the European Recovery Program ?
2977HistoryWhat famous British Ocean liner sank in 1912 after it hit an iceberg in the Atlantic? Enemagneto
2978HistoryIn which year did the World War 1 begin? Enemagneto
2979HistoryAlthough he became the dictator of Germany, which country was Hitler born in? Enemagneto
2980HistoryIn which city was John F. Kennedy assassinated on November 22, 1963? Enemagneto
2981HistoryThe War of 1812 was majorly fought between United States and which other country ? Enemagneto
2982HistoryWhich US General famously stated - "I came through and I shall return" - after escaping to Australia amid
the Pacific war between US and Japan ?
2983HistoryIn which decade was the Korean war fought? Enemagneto
2984HistoryIn which country was the Battle of Hastings fought in 1066? Enemagneto
2985HistoryWhich King of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215? Enemagneto