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Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
3001HistoryWhat ancient empire was led by Xerxes, Cyrus, and Darius?Enemagneto
3002HistoryIn what war was Washington D.C. burned?Enemagneto
3003HistoryWhich Iraqi leader and member of the Ba'ath Party was executed in 2006?Enemagneto
3004HistoryWhat country employed Molotov cocktails to resist Soviet invasion in 1939?Enemagneto
3005HistoryWhat group sacked Baghdad in 1258, ending the Islamic Golden Age?Enemagneto
3008HistoryWho painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?Enemagneto
3012HistoryWhat country was historically known as Abyssinia?Enemagneto
3014HistoryIn what empire were Armenians the victims of genocide in 1915-1917?Enemagneto
3016HistoryWhat country was previously known as Siam?Enemagneto
3017HistoryWhat famous train once ran between Paris and Istanbul? Enemagneto