Enemagneto's author statistics

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400Harry Potter2

Enemagneto's questions

ID Category Question Author
2560Harry PotterWhich house was Justin Finch-Fletchley sorted into? Enemagneto
2561Harry PotterWhich house at Hogwarts was Terry Boot in? Enemagneto
2562Harry PotterWhich house did Sorting Hat consider putting Harry into before finally putting him in Gryffindor? Enemagneto
2563Harry PotterWhich Weasley child was a prefect at Hogwarts during Harry's first year? Enemagneto
2564Harry PotterWho is Slytherin's house ghost? Enemagneto
2565Harry PotterWhich hook-nosed professor looked straight into Harry's eyes at the start of term feast in his first
year, and caused his scar to sear in pain?
2566Harry PotterWhat woods surrounding Hogwarts is out of bounds to the Hogwarts Students? Enemagneto
2567Harry PotterGive the next line of the lyrics : "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
2568Harry PotterWhich mischievous poltergeist at Hogwarts is known for pulling pranks on students, and poking fun all
2569Harry PotterWho guards the entrance to the Gryffindor tower and requires a password to let someone in? Enemagneto
2570Harry PotterWhat was the first password to the Gryffindor tower in Harry's first year? Enemagneto
2571Harry PotterWho is the cranky and peevish caretaker at Hogwarts? Enemagneto
2572Harry PotterFilch owned a cat - a scrawny, dust-coloured creature with bulging, lamp like eyes just like Filch's.
What's her name ?
2573Harry PotterWhat would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood? Enemagneto
2574Harry PotterWhere would you find a Bezoar - a powerful antidote to the most poisons? Enemagneto