PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1540The SimpsonsIn the episode Simpson Safari Homer eats a cracker from what decade?PadawanAmy
1541The SimpsonsWhat is Marge's middle name?PadawanAmy
1542The SimpsonsWho is Maggie's enemy?PadawanAmy
1543The SimpsonsWhat war did Grampa Simpson serve in?PadawanAmy
1544The SimpsonsWho did Meryl Streep voice on The Simpsons?PadawanAmy
1545The SimpsonsWhat tattoo did Bart get on the first Simpsons Christmas episode?PadawanAmy
1546The SimpsonsWhat do the Simpsons family go to New York City to get?PadawanAmy
1547The SimpsonsWhat is Bart’s full name?PadawanAmy
1548The SimpsonsHow old is Lisa Simpson?PadawanAmy
1549The SimpsonsHow old is Bart Simpson?PadawanAmy
1550The SimpsonsWhen Bart is forced to take an intelligence test, what other student does he swap results with?PadawanAmy
1551The SimpsonsWhat does Marge do with Blinky the Three-Eyed Fish?PadawanAmy
1552The SimpsonsWhat beverage did Homer create?PadawanAmy
1553The SimpsonsWhat was the name of Bart Simpsons evil twin?PadawanAmy
1554The SimpsonsBesides English, what language is Marge fluent in?PadawanAmy