PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1555The SimpsonsWhat did Homer once give to Marge as a makeshift wedding ring?PadawanAmy
1556The SimpsonsThe pearls that Marge usually wears are what color?PadawanAmy
1557The SimpsonsWhat is Maggie's first word?PadawanAmy
1558The SimpsonsGrampa Simpson's former wrestling name was what?PadawanAmy
1559The SimpsonsWho is the Duff Beer mascot?PadawanAmy
1560The SimpsonsWhat is the name of the comic book store?PadawanAmy
1561The SimpsonsWhat part of the Jebediah Springfield statue did Bart steal?PadawanAmy
1562The SimpsonsWho is the chief of the police force?PadawanAmy
1563The SimpsonsHow many times has Krusty the Clown been married?PadawanAmy
1564The SimpsonsWhat is the name of the school bully?PadawanAmy
1565The SimpsonsIn Lady Gaga's cameo, what is her dress made of?PadawanAmy
1566The SimpsonsWhat does Comic Book Guy cite as a dangerous mix?PadawanAmy
1567The SimpsonsWhich band let Moe help them sing a song during the episode Flaming Moe's?PadawanAmy
1568The SimpsonsIn what sport does Homer become the team's mascot?PadawanAmy
1569The SimpsonsWhat is the name of Springfields baseball team?PadawanAmy