PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1630USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Utah?PadawanAmy
1631USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Vermont?PadawanAmy
1632USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Virginia?PadawanAmy
1633USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Washington?PadawanAmy
1634USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of West Virginia?PadawanAmy
1635USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Wisconsin?PadawanAmy
1636USA State CapitalsWhat is the state capital of Wyoming?PadawanAmy
1637WarcraftWho was apprentice to Medivh the prophet?PadawanAmy
1638WarcraftWho is the Dragonqueen of the Red Dragonflight?PadawanAmy
1639WarcraftWhat is the name of the bartender from Hearthston?PadawanAmy
1640WarcraftName one of the two factions?PadawanAmy
1641WarcraftName one class which gets a free mount in WoW(Excluding Expansions)?PadawanAmy
1642WarcraftCannibalize is a racial trait for which race?PadawanAmy
1643WarcraftWhat profession can do an arcanite transmute?PadawanAmy
1644WarcraftWhat is the smallest amount of money you can earn in WoW?PadawanAmy