PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1645WarcraftWhich titan was appointed to act as the first line of defense against the demon attacks from the twisting
1646WarcraftWho were the Narthrezim?PadawanAmy
1647WarcraftWhat creatures did the Titans empower as the guardians of Kalimdor before they left Azeroth?PadawanAmy
1648WarcraftWhich Night Elf Queen paved the path for the invasion of the Burning Legion?PadawanAmy
1649WarcraftWhat caused the Dragons to retreat from the great war?PadawanAmy
1650WarcraftWhat was created in the place where The Well Of Eternity previously stood?PadawanAmy
1695Name The Element
1696Name The Element
1697Name The Element
1698Name The Element
1699Name The Element
1700Name The Element
1701Name The Element
1702Name The Element
1703Name The Element