PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1955FuturamaWhat planet is at the exact center of the universe?PadawanAmy
1956FuturamaWhere is Fry's first delivery with Planet Express?PadawanAmy
1957FuturamaWhat is the name of Professor Farnsworth's brother?PadawanAmy
1958FuturamaWhat language is said to be Dead?PadawanAmy
1959FuturamaWhat historical figure does bender pretend to be in the insane asylum?PadawanAmy
1960FuturamaWhat was the name of the movie that Calculon made with Dr Zoidberg?PadawanAmy
1961FuturamaWhat is Fry's favorite drink?PadawanAmy
1962FuturamaWhat species runs a Pizzeria in A Leela Of Her Own?PadawanAmy
1963FuturamaWhat sport did Hermes represent Earth for in the Olympics?PadawanAmy
1964FuturamaWhen Bender becomes a god, what is the one commandment he gives his followers?PadawanAmy
1965FuturamaWhich musician does Bender go on tour with as a washboard player?PadawanAmy
1966FuturamaWhat fast food item did Fry buy at auction?PadawanAmy
1967FuturamaWhat planet is Lrrr ruler of?PadawanAmy
1968FuturamaWhat college did Fry attend while living in the 20th century?PadawanAmy
1969FuturamaWho was Lars?PadawanAmy