PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1970FuturamaWhat planet does Santa live on?PadawanAmy
1971FuturamaWhat is the second most frequently used word by Bender?PadawanAmy
1972FuturamaWhat colour is Fry's walking ashtray?PadawanAmy
1973FuturamaWhat is Elzar's favorite cooking tool?PadawanAmy
1974FuturamaWhat is the name of Farnsworth's scientific enemy?PadawanAmy
2015MinecraftWhat tool is required to turn a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern?PadawanAmy
2016MinecraftVillagers buy, trade, and sell using what currency?PadawanAmy
2017MinecraftWhat item can be used to breed axolotl's or to make them follow you?PadawanAmy
2018MinecraftWhat crafting material do you need to make an Awkward Potion?PadawanAmy
2019MinecraftWhat enchantment causes glass to not smash?PadawanAmy
2020MinecraftSheep can be fed and bred using what food?PadawanAmy
2021MinecraftWhat type of villager spawns with llamas?PadawanAmy
2022MinecraftWhat spinoff game did Mojang create to compete with Pokemon Go?PadawanAmy
2023MinecraftWhat item do Slimes drop?PadawanAmy
2024MinecraftWhat mob likes to hide in stone blocks?PadawanAmy