PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2367Name The SongRah, Rah-ah-ah-ah, Roma, Roma-ma, Gaga, Ooh-lalaPadawanAmy
2368Name The SongRah, Rah-ah-ah-ah, Roma, Roma-ma, Gaga, Ooh-lalaPadawanAmy
2369Name The SongHush now child, and don't you cry. Your folks might understand you By and ByPadawanAmy
2370Assassins CreedWhat is the name of the special ability the main character uses to find enemies in crowds?PadawanAmy
2371Assassins CreedThe historical artifacts in the games are known as pieces of what?PadawanAmy
2372Assassins CreedIn Assassins Creed Unity how many players could team up together?PadawanAmy
2373Assassins CreedWhat city does Assassins Creed Syndicate take place in?PadawanAmy
2374Assassins CreedWhat is the name of the main pirate character of Assassins Creed Black Flag?PadawanAmy
2376Assassins CreedHow many Assassins Creed games were released on Xbox 360?PadawanAmy
2377Assassins CreedWho played Cal Lynch in the Assassins Creed movie?PadawanAmy
2379Assassins CreedWhat year did the Assassins Creed movie release?PadawanAmy
2380WarcraftIn World of Warcraft how many phases does the Lich King have when fighting him?PadawanAmy
2381WarcraftFaceless of the Deep is the leader of what?PadawanAmy
2382WarcraftWho corrupted the wildlife in Honeydew Glade?PadawanAmy
2383WarcraftWhat colour is on a Defaced Scroll?PadawanAmy