PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2384WarcraftWho runs a small farm in Small Winds?PadawanAmy
2385WarcraftWho is the Cart Drive on Wandering Isle in WoW?PadawanAmy
2386WarcraftWhat is the name of the panda like species?PadawanAmy
2387WarcraftWhere are the Pandaren from?PadawanAmy
2388WarcraftWho is the ancient spirit of fire?PadawanAmy
2389Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of Dr Nefarious's butler?PadawanAmy
2390Ratchet & ClankWhat year was the first Ratchet and Clank game released?PadawanAmy
2391Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the most powerful weapons in the games?PadawanAmy
2392Ratchet & ClankWhat device did Nefarious create in Ratchet & Clank 3PadawanAmy
2393Ratchet & ClankWhat ship was Sasha the commander of?PadawanAmy
2394Ratchet & ClankIn Rift Apart what bar is the Battleplex located in?PadawanAmy
2395Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of Rivets robot companion?PadawanAmy
2396Ratchet & ClankWhat Omniglove function allows Ratchet to swing like Spider-Man?PadawanAmy
2397Ratchet & ClankWhat is Health referred to as in Ratchet & Clank?PadawanAmy
2398Ratchet & ClankWhat is the main currency in the Ratchet & Clank games?PadawanAmy