PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2414Ratchet & ClankWhat former Insomniac Games employee has a cameo in almost every Ratchet & Clank game?PadawanAmy
2415Ratchet & ClankWhat was the first Ratchet & Clank game to release on PS3?PadawanAmy
2416Ratchet & ClankHow many Trophies are in the Trophy Room in Ratchet & Clank 3?PadawanAmy
2417Ratchet & ClankIn what game does Ratchet have to make his own Wrench rather than using an Omniwrench?PadawanAmy
2418Ratchet & ClankWhat did Clank hide Ratchets weapons in when smuggling them into prison?PadawanAmy
2419Ratchet & ClankName one of the 2 Dreadzone BroadcastersPadawanAmy
2420Ratchet & ClankWho sold illegal ship mods in the Bogon Galaxy?PadawanAmy
2421Ratchet & ClankHow many eyes does Skrunch the monkey have?PadawanAmy
2422Ratchet & ClankAleero City is found on what planet?PadawanAmy
2423Ratchet & ClankWhere is Captain Qwark telling the story of Ratchet & Clank (PS4) from?PadawanAmy
2424Ratchet & ClankWhat planet do you find the O2 Mask on in Ratchet & Clank?PadawanAmy
2425Ratchet & ClankWhat weapon does the Predator Launcher upgrade into?PadawanAmy
2426Ratchet & ClankWhat devices regularly contain coordinates to other planets and locations?PadawanAmy
2427Ratchet & ClankWhat large purple creatures can be found on planet Gaspar?PadawanAmy
2428Ratchet & ClankWhat is the name of the city on Quartu in the PS4 remake?PadawanAmy