PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2429Ratchet & ClankIn Ratchet & Clank 2 how much does the Zodiac cost?PadawanAmy
2430Ratchet & ClankWhat is the best armor in Ratchet & Clank 3?PadawanAmy
2431Ratchet & ClankIn Ratchet: Gladiator nobody is buying the Ace Hardlight action figure. What sells out in stores instead?PadawanAmy
2432Ratchet & ClankIn A Crack In Time what is the name of Dr. Nefarious's plan to kill Ratchet?PadawanAmy
2433Ratchet & ClankHow many of Dr. Croid's holo-diaries are there in Ratchet & Clank All 4 One?PadawanAmy
2434Ratchet & ClankHow fast do you have to complete the Fitness Course in the PS4 remake for hte trophy Kerwan Gladiator?PadawanAmy
2435Ratchet & ClankWho is the CEO of Megacorp?PadawanAmy
2436Ratchet & ClankWho was impersonating Abercronbie Fizzwidget?PadawanAmy
2437Ratchet & ClankWhat is Captain Qwarks full name?PadawanAmy
2438Ratchet & ClankWhat is the 3rd galaxy that appears in the games?PadawanAmy
2439Ratchet & ClankWhat ship did Ratchet & Clank find on the planet Fastoon?PadawanAmy
2440Ratchet & ClankWho is the leader of the Cragmites?PadawanAmy
2441Ratchet & ClankWhat species raised Tachyon?PadawanAmy
2442Ratchet & ClankWhat species were the main enemies along side the Space Pirates in Tools of Destruction?PadawanAmy
2443Ratchet & ClankWhat rare mineral is often used to upgrade weapons and ships?PadawanAmy