PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2771BaseballWhat team plays at Dodger Stadium?PadawanAmy
2772BaseballTo the nearest thousand what is the capacity of Citi Field?PadawanAmy
2773BaseballHow many wins are needed to win the World Series?PadawanAmy
2774BaseballWhat is the trophy awarded to the team that wins the World Series?PadawanAmy
2775BaseballIn what year was the first World Series played?PadawanAmy
2776BaseballWho won the first World Series?PadawanAmy
2777BaseballWho has won the most World Series championships?PadawanAmy
2778BaseballPrior to joining the MLB, what baseball team did Willie Mays play for?PadawanAmy
2779BaseballWhat is the fastest pitch ever recorded?PadawanAmy
2780BaseballWhat baseball manager holds the record for the most ejections?PadawanAmy
2781BaseballHow many innings was the longest baseball game in MLB history?PadawanAmy
2782Star WarsWhich book takes place just after the end of Episode VI?PadawanAmy
2783Star WarsWhat was the name of Grand Admiral Thrawns Flagship?PadawanAmy
2784Star WarsOn what world can Ysalimiri be found?PadawanAmy
2785Star WarsWho was Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong?PadawanAmy