PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2816Star WarsWhat was used to freeze Han Solo?PadawanAmy
2817Star WarsWhat planet did King Katuunko rule?PadawanAmy
2818Star WarsWho helped Boba Fett try and kill Mace Windu?PadawanAmy
2819Star WarsWhat species is Embo?PadawanAmy
2820Star WarsWhat planet does the father live on with his 2 children?PadawanAmy
2821Star WarsWhat is the name of Osi Sobeck's tactical droid?PadawanAmy
2822Star WarsWhich actor plays Han Solo?PadawanAmy
2823Star WarsWhich actress plays Princess Leia?PadawanAmy
2824Star WarsWhich actor voiced Darth Vader?PadawanAmy
2825Star WarsWho kills Obi-Wan Kenobi?PadawanAmy
2826Star WarsWhat name did Ob-Wan Kenobi use when he was hiding on Tatooine?PadawanAmy
2827Star WarsWhat planet was Obi-Wan Kenobi from?PadawanAmy
2828Star WarsWhat bounty hunter did ObI-Wan Kenobi disguise himself as?PadawanAmy
2829Star WarsWhat planet was Rako Hardeen from?PadawanAmy
2830Star WarsWhat was the highest mountain on Coruscant?PadawanAmy