PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
2831Star WarsWho created The Box, designed to test the bounty hunters?PadawanAmy
2832Star WarsWhat planet was Count Dooku from?PadawanAmy
2833Star WarsWhat is the Bad Batch's squad number?PadawanAmy
2834Star WarsWhat species was Cid?PadawanAmy
2835Star WarsWhat name is CT-9904 more commonly known as? PadawanAmy
2836Name The SongWell it's only sex talking on the phone, My kind of love without a facePadawanAmy
2837Name The SongJack Flash sat on a candlestick 'Cause fire is the devil's only friendPadawanAmy
2838Name The SongCharades, pop skill, Water hyacinth, named by a poetPadawanAmy
2839Name The SongHunting the horny back toadPadawanAmy
2892General KnowledgeWhat species of opossum is found in North America?PadawanAmy
2893General KnowledgeWhat are female opossums called?PadawanAmy
2894General KnowledgeIn Mexico what part of an opossum is sometimes eaten as a folk remedy to improve fertility?PadawanAmy
2895General KnowledgeWhat is North America's only marsupial?PadawanAmy
2896General KnowledgeRoughly how long does an opossum live?PadawanAmy
2897General KnowledgeWhat is a group of opossums called?PadawanAmy