PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3050General KnowledgeWhat year did the Playstation 2 first release?PadawanAmy
3051General KnowledgeWhat company created the Megadrive console?PadawanAmy
3052General KnowledgeWho voices the Chanukah Zombie in Futurama?PadawanAmy
3053General KnowledgeIn what city are the Spanish Steps located?PadawanAmy
3054General KnowledgeWho is the Greek God of the Sun?PadawanAmy
3055General KnowledgeIn what year was the United Nations founded?PadawanAmy
3056General KnowledgeHow many Minutes are in a full Week?PadawanAmy
3057General KnowledgeHow many elements are in the periodic table?PadawanAmy
3058General KnowledgeWhat company was originally called Cadabra?PadawanAmy
3059General KnowledgeHow many faces does a Dodecahedron have?PadawanAmy
3060General KnowledgeQueen guitarist Brian May is an expert in what scientific field?PadawanAmy
3061General KnowledgeAurelian is a shade of what colour?PadawanAmy
3062General KnowledgeWhat Renaissance artist is burried in Rome's Pantheon?PadawanAmy
3063General KnowledgeWho was the last Tsar of Russia?PadawanAmy
3064General KnowledgeRobert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch have both played what character?PadawanAmy