PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3065General KnowledgeWhat country drinks the most coffee per capita?PadawanAmy
3066General KnowledgeWhat is the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet?PadawanAmy
3067General KnowledgeWhat city is known as The Eternal City?PadawanAmy
3068General KnowledgeWhat movie is currently the Highest Rated according to IMDb?PadawanAmy
3069General KnowledgeWhat company was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports?PadawanAmy
3070General KnowledgeIn what year was Nintendo founded?PadawanAmy
3071General KnowledgeKratos is the main character of what video game series?PadawanAmy
3072General KnowledgeIn what country would you find Mount Kilimanjaro?PadawanAmy
3073General KnowledgeWhat is a group of pandas known as?PadawanAmy
3074General KnowledgeWho crossed the Alps with elephants on the way to a war with the Romans?PadawanAmy
3075General KnowledgeWhat Netflix show had the highest streaming views in 2021?PadawanAmy
3076General KnowledgeWhat is the largest Spanish speaking city in the world?PadawanAmy
3077General KnowledgeWhat is the worlds fastest bird?PadawanAmy
3078General KnowledgeIn what country is the Chernobyl nuclear plant located?PadawanAmy
3079General KnowledgeThe Parthenon Marbles are controversially located in what museum?PadawanAmy