PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3080General KnowledgeHow many dots appear on a pair of 6 sided dice?PadawanAmy
3081General KnowledgeWhat is the only body part that is fully grown from birth?PadawanAmy
3082General KnowledgeAcrophobia is a fear of what?PadawanAmy
3083General KnowledgeWhat country has the most islands?PadawanAmy
3084General KnowledgeDecember 26th is which saint's day in Ireland?PadawanAmy
3085General KnowledgeWhat planet is closest to the Sun?PadawanAmy
3086General KnowledgeWhere is the strongest human muscle located?PadawanAmy
3087General KnowledgeWhat company made the 3310 phone?PadawanAmy
3088General KnowledgeWhat river flows through the Grand Canyon?PadawanAmy
3089General KnowledgeWhat is the state capital of New York?PadawanAmy
3090General KnowledgeWhat is the smallest US state by area?PadawanAmy
3091General KnowledgeWhat is the tallest type of tree?PadawanAmy
3092General KnowledgeName one of the 5 Great Lakes.PadawanAmy
3093General KnowledgeWhat is the capital of Canada?PadawanAmy
3094General KnowledgeIn which continent would you find the city of Baku?PadawanAmy