PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3110General KnowledgeThe U.S Air Force used what games console to create a cluster supercomputer?PadawanAmy
3160General KnowledgeWhich actor wore the Darth Vader suit in the original trilogy?PadawanAmy
3161General KnowledgeWho originally created the Star Wars franchise?PadawanAmy
3162General KnowledgeWho voiced Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)PadawanAmy
3163General KnowledgeIn the video game series created by Naughty Dog, what is the name of Jak's companion?PadawanAmy
3164General KnowledgeWho played Scott Pilgrim in the 2010 movie?PadawanAmy
3165General KnowledgeWhich company originally created the Meta Quest VR headset?PadawanAmy
3166General KnowledgeWhich rapper was known as Slim Shady?PadawanAmy
3167General KnowledgeWhat band made the song Goodbye Mr A?PadawanAmy
3229General KnowledgeName one of Santa's reindeer that isn't Rudolph.PadawanAmy
3231TestingWhat is the answer?PadawanAmy
3232General KnowledgeWhat is the first name of Kramer from Seinfeld?PadawanAmy
3233General KnowledgeHow many ribs does the average person have?PadawanAmy
3234General KnowledgeIn what country was the company Rolex founded?PadawanAmy
3235General KnowledgeIn what country is the worlds largest pyramid by volume?PadawanAmy