PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3300Jak and DaxterAfter Rock Village's defender The Warrior was defeated, what was his nickname?PadawanAmy
3301Jak and DaxterHow many pounds does a Green fish weigh?PadawanAmy
3302Jak and DaxterHow many pounds does a yellow fish weigh?PadawanAmy
3303Jak and DaxterWhere can you travel to after catching fish for the fisherman?PadawanAmy
3304Jak and DaxterHow much fish do you have to catch for the Fisherman?PadawanAmy
3305Jak and DaxterWhere can you find the Fisherman in The Precursor Legacy?PadawanAmy
3306Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Platinum trophy for completing The Precursor Legacy on PS3/4?PadawanAmy
3307Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Platinum trophy for completing Jak 2 on PS3/4?PadawanAmy
3308Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Platinum trophy for completing Jak 3 on PS3/4?PadawanAmy
3309Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Platinum trophy for completing Jak X on PS3/4?PadawanAmy
3310Jak and DaxterWhat is the name of the Platinum trophy for completing The Lost Frontier on PS3/4?PadawanAmy
3311Star WarsWhat planet is Dagan Gera obsessed with?PadawanAmy
3312Star WarsWhat is the name of Cal Kestis' droid?PadawanAmy
3313Star WarsWhat species is Greez Dritus?PadawanAmy
3314Star WarsWhat is the name of the secret underground organization who helped shelter Jedi after order 66?PadawanAmy