PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
3315Star WarsWho was Cere Junda's master?PadawanAmy
3316Jak and DaxterWhat is the first car you get access to in Jak 3?PadawanAmy
3317Jak and DaxterRoughly how long has Haven City been at war with the Metal Heads? PadawanAmy
3318Jak and DaxterWhat business does Daxter work for in Daxter?PadawanAmy
3319Jak and DaxterWho is Daxters boss at Kridder Ridder?PadawanAmy
3320Jak and DaxterWho gives Daxter the Spray Gun?PadawanAmy
3321Jak and DaxterWhat are the main enemies in Daxter?PadawanAmy
3333Star TrekWhat year was the first episode of Star Trek aired?PadawanAmy