PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
26General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Jordan?PadawanAmy
27General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of the Netherlands?PadawanAmy
28General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Iraq?PadawanAmy
29General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Egypt?PadawanAmy
30General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Jamaica?PadawanAmy
31General KnowledgeHow many days in a leap year?PadawanAmy
32General KnowledgeIn which year did the band Queen release Bohemian Rhapsody?PadawanAmy
33General KnowledgeThe internet domain extension ".AQ" relates to where?PadawanAmy
34General KnowledgeWhat does the "G" in G-Man stand for?PadawanAmy
35General KnowledgeWorld Of Warcraft was created by which company?PadawanAmy
36General KnowledgeHow many states are there in the USA?PadawanAmy
37General KnowledgeDave Grohl is known as the founder of Foo Fighters, but also the drummer of which band?PadawanAmy
38General KnowledgeHow many notes are there on a standard grand piano?PadawanAmy
39General KnowledgeWhat was the wifi password given to Stephen Strange in Doctor Strange?PadawanAmy
40General KnowledgeWhat's the biggest animal in the world?PadawanAmy