PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
328General KnowledgeWhat book starts with the line “Call me Ishmael.”?PadawanAmy
329General KnowledgeWhat is the first element on the Periodic Table?PadawanAmy
330General KnowledgeWhat does a Scoville unit measure?PadawanAmy
331General KnowledgeWhat US president put a Twinkie in the country’s millennium time capsule?PadawanAmy
332General KnowledgeWhat is an ice hockey puck made from?PadawanAmy
333General KnowledgeApple’s CEO Steve Jobs was known for wearing what color turtleneck?PadawanAmy
334General KnowledgeWhat 3-word phrase is written on Martin Luther King’s gravestone?PadawanAmy
335General KnowledgeWhat is Japanese sake made from?PadawanAmy
336General KnowledgeWhat American beer has been long promoted as the “King of Beers”?PadawanAmy
337General KnowledgeParka, Harrington, Crombie and Anorak are types of what?PadawanAmy
338General KnowledgePavane, Polonaise and Polka are all types of what?PadawanAmy
339General KnowledgePeoples born on April 17th have which sign of the Zodiac?PadawanAmy
340General KnowledgeWhat is The fifth element in the periodic table?PadawanAmy
341General KnowledgePepe Le Pew is what type of cartoon animal?PadawanAmy
342General KnowledgePeter Parker is the Alter-Ego of which fictional superhero?PadawanAmy