PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
418General KnowledgeThe traditional Wimbledon colors are green and what?PadawanAmy
419General KnowledgeOn the television show “How I Met Your Mother”, what is Lily’s occupation?PadawanAmy
420General KnowledgeWhich art movement is Salvador Dali associated with?PadawanAmy
421General KnowledgeWhere did rap superstar Eminem grow up?PadawanAmy
422General KnowledgeIn what city did Princess Diana suffer her fatal car crash?PadawanAmy
423General KnowledgeWhat grows from an acorn?PadawanAmy
424General KnowledgeWhat prison film starring Tim Robbins was based on a story by Stephen King?PadawanAmy
425General KnowledgeWhich U.S. state has “Garden State” as its nickname?PadawanAmy
426General KnowledgeWhich type of fruit juice did Dole sell first?PadawanAmy
427General KnowledgeWhat is the main ingredient in falafel?PadawanAmy
428General KnowledgeWhat currency is used in South Africa?PadawanAmy
429General KnowledgePort-au-Prince is the capital of which country?PadawanAmy
430General KnowledgeWhat major movie actor’s first role was in “A Nightmare On Elm Street”?PadawanAmy
431General KnowledgeWhat was Toyota’s first popular hybrid car called?PadawanAmy
432General KnowledgeWhat did the first vending machine dispense?PadawanAmy