PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
433General KnowledgeWho created the animated series “Futurama”?PadawanAmy
434General KnowledgeWhat is the most populous city in Canada?PadawanAmy
435General KnowledgeTaylor Swift grew up on what type of farm?PadawanAmy
436General KnowledgeWhich Doors song is about Jim Morrison’s relationship with Pamela Courson?PadawanAmy
437General KnowledgeWhich President of South Africa ordered Nelson Mandela’s release from prison?PadawanAmy
438General KnowledgeWhich 2008 comedy had the tagline “Put this in your pipe and smoke it”?PadawanAmy
439General KnowledgeIslamabad is the capital of which country?PadawanAmy
440General KnowledgeAmerican pioneer, John Chapman, was famous for planting which kind of tree?PadawanAmy
441General KnowledgeWhat gas makes soda bubbly?PadawanAmy
442General KnowledgeWhich country has a red flag with a green star in the middle?PadawanAmy
443General KnowledgeWho preceded Fidel Castro as political leader of Cuba?PadawanAmy
444General KnowledgeWhat color dresses do Chinese women traditionally wear on their wedding day?PadawanAmy
445General KnowledgeTom Cruise considered pursuing a career in what sport before being injured?PadawanAmy
446General KnowledgeWhat country is bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Ukraine?PadawanAmy
447General KnowledgeThe Da Vinci Code opens with a murder in which famous museum?PadawanAmy