PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
464General KnowledgeIn which city was Jim Morrison buried?PadawanAmy
465General KnowledgeWhich song by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee has the most views (of all time) on YouTube?PadawanAmy
466General KnowledgeWhat is the capital city of Spain?PadawanAmy
467General KnowledgeAbout how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?PadawanAmy
468General KnowledgeGlobe and Jerusalem are types of what?PadawanAmy
469General KnowledgeWhich is the highest waterfall in the world?PadawanAmy
470General KnowledgeWhat is the third sign of the zodiac?PadawanAmy
471General KnowledgeWhich country invented tea?PadawanAmy
472General KnowledgeWhich is the only vowel on a standard keyboard that is not on the top line of letters?PadawanAmy
473General KnowledgeWho starts first in chess?PadawanAmy
474General KnowledgeWhat language has the most words?PadawanAmy
475General KnowledgeKodiak island is in which US state?PadawanAmy
476General KnowledgeWhich castle is on the island of Anglesey?PadawanAmy
477General KnowledgeWhich reality show series is Andy Cohen’s favorite?PadawanAmy
478General KnowledgeWhich scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics?PadawanAmy