PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
479General KnowledgeWhat color is a Himalayan poppy flower?PadawanAmy
480General KnowledgeWhat was the name of the family who starred in 7th Heaven?PadawanAmy
481General KnowledgeWhich sport does Costantino Rocca play?PadawanAmy
482General KnowledgeWhat flavor is Cointreau?PadawanAmy
483General KnowledgeWhich country is Prague in?PadawanAmy
484General KnowledgeWho was the first American to go into space?PadawanAmy
485General KnowledgeWhat is the name of the thin but long country that spans more than half of the western coast of South
486General KnowledgeWhich planet has the most gravity in our solar system?PadawanAmy
487General KnowledgeWhat was Beyoncé’s first solo album?PadawanAmy
488General KnowledgeWhich country did AC/DC originate in?PadawanAmy
489General KnowledgeIn what state did the first official American baseball game take place?PadawanAmy
490General KnowledgeWhat is “Vineyard” in Vineyard Vines named after?PadawanAmy
491General KnowledgeThe colored part of the human eye that controls how much light passes through the pupil is called?PadawanAmy
492General KnowledgeWhat year did the Titanic movie come out?PadawanAmy
493General KnowledgeWhat is the national dish of Spain?PadawanAmy