PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
494General KnowledgeWho sang the song, “My Way”?PadawanAmy
495General KnowledgeWhich horoscope sign has a crab?PadawanAmy
496General KnowledgeWhat is sushi traditionally wrapped in?PadawanAmy
497General KnowledgeWhat color is Absynthe?PadawanAmy
498General KnowledgeWhich company owns Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, and Ducati?PadawanAmy
499General KnowledgeWhich US city is known as the City of Brotherly Love?PadawanAmy
500General KnowledgeWho played Neo in The Matrix?PadawanAmy
501General KnowledgeIn what year was the first episode of South Park aired?PadawanAmy
502General KnowledgeHow many national parks are in the United States?PadawanAmy
503General KnowledgeWhat is the symbol for potassium?PadawanAmy
504General KnowledgeWhat is the only American state that begins with the letter “p”?PadawanAmy
505General KnowledgeWhich Williams sister has won more Grand Slam titles?PadawanAmy
506General KnowledgeWhich planet is known as the red planet?PadawanAmy
507General KnowledgeWhat is the real name of Jersey Shore’s Snooki?PadawanAmy
508General KnowledgeWho famously played Bill Clinton on Saturday Night Life?PadawanAmy