PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
538African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Benin?PadawanAmy
539African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Botswana?PadawanAmy
540African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Burkina Faso?PadawanAmy
541African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Burundi?PadawanAmy
542African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Cameroon?PadawanAmy
543African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Cape Verde?PadawanAmy
544African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Central African Republic?PadawanAmy
545African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Chad?PadawanAmy
546African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Comoros?PadawanAmy
547African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Congo?PadawanAmy
548African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire)?PadawanAmy
549African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Djibouti?PadawanAmy
550African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Egypt?PadawanAmy
551African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Equatorial Guinea?PadawanAmy
552African CapitalsWhat is the capital city of Eritrea?PadawanAmy