PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
704Doctor WhoWho played the eigth doctor?PadawanAmy
705Doctor WhoWho played the ninth doctor?PadawanAmy
706Doctor WhoWho played the tenth doctor?PadawanAmy
707Doctor WhoWho played the eleventh doctor?PadawanAmy
708Doctor WhoWho played the twelfth doctor?PadawanAmy
709Doctor WhoWho played the thirteenth doctor?PadawanAmy
710Doctor WhoWho played the fourteenth doctor?PadawanAmy
711Doctor WhoWho played the fifteenth doctor?PadawanAmy
712Doctor WhoWho played the war doctor?PadawanAmy
713Doctor WhoA common name for The Doctor is the oncoming what?PadawanAmy
714Doctor WhoWhat year did Doctor Who first air?PadawanAmy
715Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the spinoff show featuring Captain Jack Harkness?PadawanAmy
716Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the prison that River Song was kept in?PadawanAmy
717Doctor WhoUnder what monument was the Pandorica stored?PadawanAmy
718Doctor WhoLake Silencio was in what US state?PadawanAmy