PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
734Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the Time Lords greatest enemies?PadawanAmy
735Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the creator of the Daleks?PadawanAmy
736Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the iconic robotic dog from the show?PadawanAmy
737Doctor WhoWhat word is often said by Daleks before they kill?PadawanAmy
738Doctor WhoWhat is the name of Sarah Jane Smith's son?PadawanAmy
739Doctor WhoWhat name did Amy give The Doctor when she was a child?PadawanAmy
740Doctor WhoWho did Vastra track down and eat?PadawanAmy
741Doctor WhoWhat is the name of the human form of the Abzorbaloff?PadawanAmy
742Doctor WhoWhat planet are the Slitheen from?PadawanAmy
743Doctor WhoWho created the Torchwood Institute?PadawanAmy
744KingsmanWhat kind of business was the Kingsman service disguised as?PadawanAmy
745KingsmanRichmond Valentine was a very wealthy, influential man. Which issue was he most concerned about?PadawanAmy
746KingsmanWhich member of Kingsman was working with Valentine?PadawanAmy
747KingsmanWhich actor plays Harry Hart?PadawanAmy
748KingsmanWhich actor plays Eggsy?PadawanAmy