PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
779KingsmanWhat year did Kingsman The Secret Service release?PadawanAmy
780KingsmanWhat year did Kingsman The Golden Service release?PadawanAmy
781KingsmanWhat year did The Kings Man release?PadawanAmy
782KingsmanWhich famous actor played Professor Arnold?PadawanAmy
783KingsmanWhat appliance did Poppy use to kill people?PadawanAmy
784KingsmanWho did Eggsy name his dog JB after?PadawanAmy
785KingsmanWhich english monarch was a founding member of the Kingsman?PadawanAmy
786KingsmanWho was the original Lancelot?PadawanAmy
787KingsmanWhat is Eggsy's mums name?PadawanAmy
788KingsmanWhat was the name of Eggsy's bully?PadawanAmy
789KingsmanWhat is the name of the pub Eggsy visited?PadawanAmy
790KingsmanWhat curch did Valentine use to test his sim cards?PadawanAmy
791KingsmanWho shot Harry in the face?PadawanAmy
792KingsmanWhat is the name of the special substance used by the Statesman to save people from Headshots?PadawanAmy
793KingsmanWhat is the name of Merlins american counterpart?PadawanAmy