PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
87General KnowledgeSlot machines were originally known as a One Armed what?PadawanAmy
88General KnowledgeWhat type of animal is a Titi?PadawanAmy
89General KnowledgeIn DC comics who was Nightwing when he was younger?PadawanAmy
90General KnowledgeGwyneth Paltrow's first child is named after what fruit?PadawanAmy
91General KnowledgeAdam Levine is the lead singer of which group?PadawanAmy
92General KnowledgeAlphabet became the holding company of which tech giant in 2015?PadawanAmy
93General KnowledgeCleopatra was said to have been killed by what type of snake?PadawanAmy
94General KnowledgeAquae Sulis is the Roman name for which English spa city that has since been renamed?PadawanAmy
95General KnowledgeArctic King, Saladin and Tom Thumb are which types of vegetable?PadawanAmy
96General KnowledgeWhat age was Mozart when he wrote his first opera?PadawanAmy
97General KnowledgeWhich 1314 battle did Robert The Bruce defeat the English?PadawanAmy
98General KnowledgeRock band Sabaton is from which country?PadawanAmy
99General KnowledgeBarbara Millicent Roberts from Willows Wisconsin is better known as what iconic figure?PadawanAmy
100General KnowledgeBarry Allen is the alter ego of which DC Comics superhero?PadawanAmy
101General KnowledgeBased on Greek legend, a constant uncontrollable threat, especially to a safe situation is called The
Sword Of...what?