PadawanAmy's author statistics

Total Questions Most Active Author Level
2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
963Name The SongI really hate to trip, but i gotta loc, As they croak i see myself in the pistol smoke foolPadawanAmy
964Name The SongPut a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger now hes deadPadawanAmy
965Name The SongHere we stand or here we fall, History wont care at allPadawanAmy
966Name The SongTo avoid complications she never kept the same address, In conversation she spoke just like a baronessPadawanAmy
967PixarWhich well known technology person founded Pixar in 1986?PadawanAmy
968PixarWhat is the highest grossing Pixar film to date?PadawanAmy
969PixarWhat is the name of the boy who owned Woody in Toy Story?PadawanAmy
970PixarWhat is the name of Nemo's dad?PadawanAmy
971PixarWhat was the spin off film from Cars called that released in 2013?PadawanAmy
972PixarWhat is the name of Andy's scary Neighbor in Toy Story?PadawanAmy
973PixarWho is the voice of of the Axiom's computer in the movie WALL-E?PadawanAmy
974PixarWhat type of fish is Dory?PadawanAmy
975PixarWhich company originally developed the technology that would eventually become Pixar Studios?PadawanAmy
976PixarIn what year was Cars released?PadawanAmy
977PixarPrincess Atta appears in which film?PadawanAmy