PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
978PixarWhat is the name of Chris Pratts character in Onward?PadawanAmy
979PixarWhat do the green aliens worship in Toy Story?PadawanAmy
980PixarWhat type of creatures are brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot in the 2020 film Onward?PadawanAmy
981PixarWhat is Sulley's full name in the movie Monsters, Inc.?PadawanAmy
982PixarIn the movie 'Toy Story' Buzz Lightyear was what kind of toy?PadawanAmy
983PixarIn what year was 'A Bug's Life' released?PadawanAmy
984PixarWhat year was Pixar founded?PadawanAmy
985PixarWhat was Pixar's first movie released?PadawanAmy
986PixarWhich was the second feature film made by Pixar?PadawanAmy
987PixarKevin Spacey was the voice of which character in 'A Bug's Life'?PadawanAmy
988PixarWhat is the name of Sulley's main rival in scream collection in the movie Monsters, Inc.?PadawanAmy
989PixarWhat was the name of Carls wife in UP!?PadawanAmy
990PixarIn Cars what was Maters original colour?PadawanAmy
991PixarAfter getting separated from his family, Arlo became hungry. What did the critter first bring Arlo to
992PixarWith the help of Forest Woodbrush, what does Arlo name the critter?PadawanAmy