PadawanAmy's author statistics

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2243General Knowledge5

PadawanAmy's questions

ID Category Question Author
1008PixarWhat is the name of the spork from Toy Story 4?PadawanAmy
1009PixarWhat is the name of 1 of Bo Peeps sheep?PadawanAmy
1010PixarWhat is the name of the toy dachshund from Toy Story?PadawanAmy
1011PixarWho is the princess of the ants in A Bugs Life?PadawanAmy
1012PixarWhat do the grasshoppers demand from the ants in A Bugs Life?PadawanAmy
1013PixarIn A Bugs Life Flik mistakes a group of circus bugs for what?PadawanAmy
1014PixarIn A Bugs Life what object does Dot give to Flik to try and convince him to return to Ant Island?PadawanAmy
1015PixarWhere do the ants live in A Bugs Life?PadawanAmy
1016PixarWhen the Circus Bugs try and leave Ant Island what animal forces them to return?PadawanAmy
1017PixarWho is the leader of the grasshoppers in A Bugs Life?PadawanAmy
1018PixarIn Monsters Inc who is Mike's partner when he goes on the field trip while he is a kid?PadawanAmy
1019PixarWhat do human children generate with their screams in Monsters Inc?PadawanAmy
1020PixarIn Monsters Inc how many eyes does Mr Waternoose have?PadawanAmy
1021PixarWhat time does Sulley wake up in the morning in Monsters Inc?PadawanAmy
1022PixarHow many snakes does Celia have in her hair in Monsters Inc?PadawanAmy